The troubled actor-turned-Internet star, who was recently fired from the popular CBS comedy 'Two and a Half Men,' posted a picture of himself and Snoop, along with former Korn member Robert Patterson making sweet music. The trio were pictured recording at Sheen's house over the weekend.
"Warlock meets his makers-music makers that is @SnoopDogg @robpatterson666 get ready to rock the Sheenius within!," he tweeted.
Sheen has been pretty much pulling out all of the stops since embarking on a one-man tirade against CBS, after they fired him from his top-rated show last month. The 45-year-old's rants are proving to be bankable, and the hip-hop community is starting to notice.
Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon called Sheen a "rich d**k" in Billboard magazine, verbally scolding him for his erratic behavior, while others, like Diddy want in on the action. In the midst of his Twitter takeover, which included reaching a million followers in just one day -- a move that landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records -- Diddy met up with Sheen for a party at his Hollywood Hills estate dubbed the "Sober Valley Lodge."
There's no word on what Snoop and Sheen were working on, but seeing as how everything he says is turning to gold these days, these two may be celebrating a hit record over a nice glass of "tiger blood" sometime soon.
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