Friday, July 1, 2011

Have You Written Off Online Networking As A Serious Business Tool?

Five years ago you could be forgiven for thinking that the best networkers only used face-to-face networking methods and tools. In fact, it was only this week, that I was having a discussion, rather ironically on Twitter, with a coach who told me that the best networkers only used face-to-face networking. Perhaps even worse than this rather short-sighted view, was her belief that small business owners didn?t have time to be using online networking as they were too busy running their own business. Mmmm. Let?s just say that I didn?t agree, and I will explain why in this article.

In my experience, many business owners fall into the trap of thinking online OR face-to-face networking, rather than combining the two different types of networking for maximum effect. Did you know that LinkedIn and Twitter are fantastic tools for keeping in touch with people after meeting them at an event? Wouldn?t your life as a networker be SO much easier if you could actually book some time to meet up with someone at a networking event ? rather than leaving it all to chance? Did you know that you can normally use LinkedIn & Twitter to make contact with someone at a face-to-face networking event, BEFORE the event?

Let?s talk about the time pressures which you face as a female and a business owner. If you are anything like me your to do list is never ending ? and with the typical demands that your business and family places on you it is not always possible to get to a physical networking event. But, your marketing and business plans rely on your growing and maintaining a network?

This is where online networking has the edge over face-to-face networking. It is always possible to indulge in some online networking in the odd 5 minutes of the day.

Many female business owners are fantastic at gaining opportunities via social media and so have discounted the possibilities that face-to-face networking can bring. Face-to-face networking doesn?t have to mean attending a formal networking group. Do you have your networking hat on when at social events? You never know what possibilities a hen weekend may offer? At a recent 40th birthday party for my brother-in-law, I received a great lead from another one of my relations. When attending training events, have you got your networking hat on? Who on the course list would you like to stay in touch with after the event?

Many people think because I am a huge advocate of online networking, that I don?t see the value or point of face-to-face networking. They couldn?t be more wrong.

A face-to-face physical meeting can generate trust far quicker than a purely online relationship. Indeed, it is rare to find a very strong business relationship which hasn?t been cemented by some time spent physically together.

And even, if a face-to-face meeting is impractical ? a video call or phone call is better than an e-mail or purely Twitter relationship. Until you have actually taken that step to have a real time conversation, referrals and opportunities are unlikely to flow from that person.

With the arrival of social networking, a networker?s tool kit is now huge. But, just as you wouldn?t use a hammer to crack a nut, knowing which tool for which job is the key to networking effectively and efficiently.

There are definitely times when face-to-face has the edge, and times when online networking is better. The trouble is that most networkers get into a comfort zone, and tend to stick with what they know - and for many networkers that means being blinkered and choosing online OR face-to-face networking.

in my research for 'The Financial Times Guide To Business Networking', I found that the most effective networkers were both curious, but also willing to experiment. They didn't see any boundaries between personal and professional, online and off line networking - they were always open for networking, and tirelessly looking for the best ways to make and keep a valuable connection.

What do you think?

This article was written by Heather Townsend, a The NextWomen contributor.


Ana Beatriz Barros Jordana Brewster Monet Mazur Joanna Krupa Kristanna Loken

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